25 Conditions of Mokshya

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life of many people




1 ) Jo Koi Katar mein khade Na ho. The intrinsic security is so high that does not bother to be unique.

jo koi katar mein khada na ho


13p courage to stand alone


1a you decide who u r


enjoy alone but be a team player

2 ) Always Thankful, Happy, Contended, Grateful.

13k nothing to prove

3 ) Does not try to impress.

who did you notice more

13h be the best version of you

4 ) Does not try to draw attention. Celebrates Loneliness. Tremendously enjoys being alone, yet Motivated.
No desire to Gossip. ( Jo Aakele Rahne Mein Nahi Darta ) Is in Peace with himself.

Think positive

to see the whole staircase u hv 2 take the 1st step


13e you have to walk your own life


5 ) Sadaibo taiyar. Always ready and appreciates change.
Ready to die. No ego so no attachment with thoughts and opinion.
So ready to relinquish the present.

something you may loose

12g are you willing to be uncomfortable




6 ) Always ready for Transformation. Always thinking of Death.

obedience and conformity

no one can stop you from learning

7 ) Always aware and sees dances of Brahma ( the creation ), Vishnu ( the continuator ) and Maheswar ( the destructor ).

mind will fly away

make your own decisions

8 ) Nischoonaw. ( No conscious choice ). Choice is manifestation of ego.

hold on to your pride

you want an iphone 5

9 ) Contended with whatever is available. With whatever is happening.

key to happiness

is your mind blind

I am against the next war

10 ) Kaibalya. ( Someone who has achieved mokshya is known as Kewli ).

hold your breath while you count your money

11 ) No ego. No identity.

12 ) Someone whose mind is dead. No Dances of Kali ( Random Dances of Thoughts of Mind are not there. )

do u believe things without evidence

13 ) Having a feeling of Totality and Continuous Change.

do u value life

14 ) No haste in action. relaxed. Does not run if sees an accident or fire. Sthitadhi. Does not rush hearing a news.

do what is right

15 ) No mental Rin ( Loan ). No Lamentation.

12z negative thoughts

16 ) No attachment. No Tadatma.

change can be scary

17 ) No Dreams.

appreciate what you already have

18 ) Unison with Cosmos. Ekatma.

admit that you are wrong

19 ) No Anger

addicted to chains

11y Dance

20 ) Observer of self. Observer of Mind and Thoughts.

all animals love their children

21 ) Sthitaprogno. ( Sthitoprojno ). Equanimous, Poised, Balanced, Braced.

be yourself

be yourself than as told by others

22 ) No Desire.

do u have boring misarable life

did u get hold of the wrong half

23 ) No expectations.

do u lack empathy

24 ) Darshan of Past, Present and Future. Can feel the fabric of change.

do u want to die alive

25 ) No wish to procreate.

do u hv time to debate on sexuality

does school teach these


Got from Economic Times – 3rd Dec – 2010 by Mukul Sharma What makes the future tense

how much ignorant r u

MOST living organisms possess a biological clock with rhythms regulated in episodic cycles adjusted to events in the external environment. These could be alternate periods of dark and light, lunar phases, tide flows or seasons which govern things like when sleep might occur, hunger is likely and sexuality becomes mature. It stands to reason therefore that among sentient creatures at least a sense of duration or time develops. Thus, even in the absence of artificial devices like clocks and calendars we are able to define and internalise a past, present and future and act according to memory or extrapolation.

dont be a loner be a team player

But what if we had no idea about these things What if we became incapable of remembering stuff that had already happened, processing experiences currently happening or anticipating what could happen Obviously its difficult to produce people who have no knowledge or guesstimate about such things but Dr Bernard Aaronson at the Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiatry in Princeton, the US, did give it a try some years back. He conducted a series of experiments in which human subjects were given posthypnotic commands to forget the existence of any past, present or future for a limited period of time. Some results were pretty far from what he had expected.

education can change the world

Deprivation of a subjective past produced drowsiness, speech difficulty and a vague sense of meaninglessness symptoms often seen in people suffering from retrograde amnesia. Elimination of the present was found to be extremely disturbing with subjects becoming depressed, disoriented and exhibiting behaviour bordering on schizophrenia.  But it was in subjects who were told they would have no future that the experiment produced its most unexpected result.

13r stop competing with others

They experienced a loss of identity and a profound euphoric mystical sensation with one person reporting that he found himself in a boundless immanent present which cancelled all fear of death and induced a sense of serene calm.

Dont afraid to be open minded

So why should this not sound like someone who we think has become enlightened and lives in the now Well, mainly because as far as we know oysters and amoebas don’t fear death either and seem to live in the present. Meaning if there’s anything the experiment highlights is that for creatures of clocks the burden of sentience becomes unbearable when faced with issues of transience. Then comes suffering.

Thanks and Regards

Zookeeper ;-D Subhashish Chattopadhyay

false knowledge more dangerous than ignorance

Do u want to be my friend ?

: ****__********__***
…….. (””(`-“’´´-´)””)
……##### u r #####
……..### SWEET. ###

follow and fall

I am sending a few beautiful flowers for you …. rather the whole garden …..

click on the screen of the site ….


and enjoy..

13x value over price

6 thoughts on “25 Conditions of Mokshya

  1. Point No. 23

    No expectations……..


    This is also expectation along with other 24 to get Mokshya?

    Nothing has any meaning, we give meaning to everything………Think……


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